About Children's Learning Difficulties
Learning difficulties refer to difficulties in reading, writing or maths. For children with learning difficulties, it is important to identify these difficulties as early as possible so they can be addressed.
According to AUSPELD, it is conservatively estimated that well over 20% of Australian children are currently struggling with learning difficulties and 3% to 5% of students are known to have a developmental learning disorder.
Students with co-existing disabilities, mental health challenges, or complex medical conditions may be at increased risk of difficulties with learning due to issues related to accessing the curriculum, or missed schooling due to illness and hospital admissions.
Our Approach to Supporting Students with Learning Difficulties
Language and Learning provides intervention and support that is aligned with current research evidence to give students the best chance to catch up in the fastest and most time efficient manner possible.
Through Language and Learning’s curriculum aligned approach, students with learning difficulties benefit from targeted intervention that profiles their areas of strength and weakness and allows them to work strategically and efficiently to achieve their goals.
Kathryn is highly experienced in providing support for children and students with learning difficulties. She has worked with many teachers, classrooms, school leaders and speech pathologists to provide them with the necessary tools to provide learning support for students with learning difficulties. She also has extensive experience in the application process for HSC Disability Provisions and supporting students to make a successful transition to post school life.